Die Sterne im Sauerland

Host families very close for a holiday in a class of its own - authentic, hospitable, family-like

Outstanding hosts in their class are united under the umbrella of the cooperation "The Stars in Sauerland". The establishments run by the owner families have a special charisma and want to create spaces for you to do nothing, to let go and be free in such a way that they fulfil your holiday wishes to a very special degree. Each establishment offers a quiet location with views and direct access to nature for guests to enjoy nature to the full.

Individual hotels for individual wishes

No two hotels are alike; each is individual and unique in its own way. So you will find a suitable hotel for every wish at the "Sternen im Sauerland" - sometimes for a family holiday in a particularly large family room or for time out for two a romantic suite in the adult hotel.

Sauerland hospitality

"Thesecurity of our guests is an important concern for all of us, for which we hosts together with our teams lovingly and attentively take care. We identify with our home region, its values and the Sauerland way of life.

We place special emphasis on food and drink as a shared and communicative experience. On the menu you will find dishes of fresh, regionally influenced, authentic cuisine. Exquisite wines and spirits complement our offerings."

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to the Sauerland!

Hopefully soon
Your stars in the Sauerland

Stargazing ban

Photos: © Stars in the Sauerland - Roman Schauerte

The Corona pandemic, which started for us in March 2020 with the first lockdown of hotels, has hit the host:in extremely hard. It was not just a business that was forcibly closed, but their reason for living was taken away from them. The phase of the second lockdown at the turn of the year 2020/2021 was particularly depressing, because it is precisely this time that is characterised by contact with the regular guests - a big "family" celebration.

Read about how the hosts fared during this time in the report by Roman Schauerte, a cameraman from Schmallenberg. You will get to know these people in what is for them an extreme situation and what basically moves them. I hope you enjoy reading it!

The hosts and hostesses